
Current Projects

Basic and Oriented Research projects

Eye-Tracker: A cheap portable eye-tracker solution for ordinary webcams.
iconeyetracker Implementation of an eye-tracker software solution which works on common setups consisting of a processing device (computer, smart phone, etc.) and an ordinary webcam (or smart phone camera). The proposed system provides a cheap alternative for applications where commercial eye-trackers are infeasible. This project is developing the open software standard OpenGazer.
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Visual interaction with digital objects for augmented information
Gaze-based interaction for augmented information on digital documentes. Webcam eye-tracking allows to expand the potential of Google Glass-type devices. The interaction research here is based on the study of the visual triggers and its potential responses for the modification of the multimedia items enriching the informative experience. This project has been granted with the Google Academy Award.
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Library Living Lab
This project consist of the development of a Laboratory infrastructure with the Living Lab approach, for the definition with the users of the potential new services of the Library of the Future. This is a root initiative in which researchers, artists and all the relevant stakeholders join their efforts for disruptive design of novel services and applications. This project is funded by CVC, UAB, Provincial Council of Barcelona and Municipality of Sant Cugat. The Library Living Lab belongs to the EU network of Living Labs ENoLL.
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Memory Fields
(re)Valorisation of digital collection by video dj narratives and multimedia interaction. Users expanding the collections with their memories and creativity work. Sounds of peace modify posters of war by means of image processing tools. The collection is shared by a twitter feed. This project consist of an artistic interface in evolution, comprising different interaction models with increasing complexity.
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I am my own drawing
‘I am my own drawing’ is a project for the robust implementation of Enric Socias‘s software for gesture interaction. This software is used to create a collaborative story by using and animating the drawings created by the participants. The project is projected in a collaborative framework in order to break the physical barriers by means of joining children from different places in a common scenario.
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COLON-QA: Using gaze-based interaction for colon cancer detection
Automatic detection of colon cancer for quality assessment of colonoscopy. (Spanish Gov. Research Grant). This research activity endeavors the use of eye-tracking data to validate the areas of interest related to potential presence of colon cancer.
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COMPUTER VISION APPLICATIONS FOR MOBILE DEVICES: Integrating Computer Vision techniques in mobile phones.
Computer Vision applications have a challeging battlefield in the area of mobile devices. We have succesfully tested this approach in the particular area of Mobile Learning (MLearn), which associates the main traits of instantaneity, mobility, personalisation and connectivity to new paradigms of learning, thanks to the use of mobile technologies empowered with Computer Vision techniques
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Endoview: Intelligent methods for the computer-driven assessment of the quality of internvetions.
The Endoview project is developing software tools and novel sensors to improve the quality of endoscopy procedures.
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